American Baccalaureate Degrees

There are several types of bachelor’s degrees in the United States: general degrees and degrees with an indication of the subject area.

General bachelor’s degrees:

  • Humanities – Bachelor of Arts, abbreviated BA, awarded in the humanities, social sciences, and arts;
  • Technical – Bachelor of Science, abbreviated BS, is awarded in the field of technical, exact and natural sciences.

Bachelor’s degrees with an indication of the subject area:

  • research – for example, Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs, BSPA;
  • professional – for example, Bachelor of Architecture, B.Arch.

There are almost as many professional degrees with an indication of the subject area as there are subject areas. So, after completing a bachelor’s degree in architecture school, the student will receive a professional degree B.Arch, in a pedagogical one – BEd.

As a rule, general and research degrees are awarded at the end of programs with immersion in scientific, theoretical, research issues, with a serious volume of laboratory work. Professional degrees are awarded on programs with an emphasis on acquiring practical skills, long-term practice and internships in the specialty.

Examples of undergraduate degrees:

  • BA Bachelor of Arts
  • BS Bachelor of Science
  • BFA Bachelor of Fine Arts
  • BSW Bachelor of Social Work
  • BEng Bachelor of Engineering
  • BSPA Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs
  • BPhil Bachelor of Philosophy
  • B.Arch Bachelor of Architecture

Many US universities offer programs where graduates can obtain two degrees or specialties at the same time, which helps to reduce training costs.